The Weeknd Heardle tests your knowledge of The Weeknd's songs. Listen to the melody and guess up to six times the song name that the game provides. Don't forget to spell the song correctly.
Starting the game, you will hear the melody of any song by The Weeknd. Turn on Play to listen to the first second of the song, it happens very quickly so you can listen to the melody over and over again to find suggestions. If you still can't figure it out, use hints to hear more. However, don't rush to exchange for help, ask for help from relatives or true fans of The Weeknd. They can easily help you in this game. In addition, this is also a way to check if you are one of The Weeknd's genuine fans or not.
You have six tries to find the requested song. Play music to hear the melody. If you find it too difficult to guess, Skip to hear more melodies. However, a Skip is a missed guess. Your chances of guessing also decrease if you trade for hints. You only have a maximum of five Skip times and need to give the final answer on the last guess. After completing the results, wait to see if you guessed the song title correctly.
The Weeknd has many good songs and is loved by many people. Some famous songs with the most views include Earn It, After hours, Blinding lights, ect. These works have helped him win many music awards as well as help him consolidate his position in the US music market. These works are saved on the game's system, start the game and test your knowledge of The Weeknd's songs.