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Word Valentine's

Word Valentine's is a game of finding hidden letters in a randomly arranged alphabet. Terms related to Valentine need to be found in five minutes.

Search for words in the alphabet

An alphabet consisting of many different and randomly arranged letters is displayed in the left corner of the screen. There are a total of 144 different letters, many of which are repeated throughout the alphabet multiple times. Your job is to find and connect the characters corresponding to the word you are looking for in the right corner of the screen. Twelve words are asked to find and you need to complete them before the time ends.

The word search operation was successful

Compare the word you're looking for in the right corner with the alphabet on the left, find the word you're looking for, and connect the letters together. Immediately that word is displayed only and you need to click on the word you are looking for to complete the search for a word.

Complete the mission as quickly as possible

In each challenge, you will have up to five minutes to complete your challenge. Don't be pressured by time because it can make you distracted and lose your eyes during the search process. Be as calm as possible and discover the words that are easiest for you to search for. Start searching with a horizontal row, then a vertical row, and finally a diagonal row.

More information about Word Valentine's

The words in this game are terms related to Valentine, so they are not identical in character. You need to find the correct and complete letters to complete the challenge. This is also a way for you to test and accumulate your vocabulary on the Valentine theme. Additionally, in Connections Game, you can also try other word guessing games with a variety of themes.